Friday, 11 March 2011

This is what I woke up to this morning...

This is such a tragedy and it makes one appreciate the things one usually takes for granted.This tsunami is going to affect quite a few countries and all I can do is pray that everything will be OK!! It isn't really the best thing to wake up to in the morning... :(

Monday, 28 February 2011


As you can see, my blog has been a little bit neglected these past few days due to the huge amounts of coursework that I have had, but as of Wednesday (the final deadlines), I will be back on form. Coursework is always a stressful thing I suppose.
I have also had to do a lot of research on my subject for my French orals, which hasn't helped stress levels, but it has opened up French culture that little bit more. Google has become my life since being at university, but more so in these past few weeks. Without it I don't know where I would be! ha ha ha!

Anyway, until next time (where you will find a much more relaxed moi) :)

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Parissssss :)


I have come to Paris for reading week and am loving it (even though I was ill for the first few days of being here). The weather has been pretty bad so I have been able to get a lot of work done, which I am pleased about! :) The coursework is going OK, but hopefully it will get better!! :)

Friday, 11 February 2011


I'm extremely happy because my website (yes, the same one I thought I couldn't even create) passed the validation!! I am very happy because I didn't really expect that!! That's just a quick note but I will be back tomorrow to give some more news. :) :) :)

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Web site

Homework 4 for Eli is going very badly. I have been trying every single day since Wednesday's lesson to get it going but it is not working at all. But I won't give up. :) 

Everything else is going very well...I'm still enjoying my blog which I think I have got the hang of and which relaxes my mind in comparison to the web site. :D

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Session 4 SML209

Well, today was a very eventful day in class!!! We started doing some activities on creating websites, and I must admit that I am a little bit scared!!! I hope that this is just for now and that I will soon get the hang of it (FINGERS CROSSED)!!! I am still very excited about it though!! :)

As for my Kindle...IT IS AMAZING!!! I even bought the HTML and XHTML Pocket Reference (by J. Niederst) for it after the lesson!!! I am even able to email lecture notes from WebCT onto it!! I can't get over how much technology has advanced!

That's all for now...I hope this post hasn't been too scary what with all my capital letters!! :)